Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is one of the most vibrantly beautiful fruits ever to grace our grocery lineup. If you’ve been to Southeast Asia (where they’re popular), Central America (where they originate), or a fancy smoothie shop, then you’ve probably marveled at one before. But dragon fruit is more than just a pretty face. Get to know our newest addition and start brainstorming new smoothie ideas.
A Mind-Blooming Fruit
This vibrant, speckled fruit only blossoms once a month, at night, during a full moon. Unfortunately, this isn’t because werewolves hand-pollinate them. In their natural habitat, several non-supernatural species of bats and moths pollinate them at night. Dragon fruit flowers are huge when fully bloomed, but their petals start to wilt as soon as the sun rises. This makes spotting one in its full glory rarer than finding a perfectly ripe avocado.
Dragon fruit is typically shipped in from Ecuador or Vietnam, but ours is uniquely grown in sunny Florida. That means the supply chain is shorter because our dragon fruit doesn’t need to take the voyage from Ecuador or Vietnam.
The Other Kind of Super Fruit
Imported foods that don’t have an organic or Fair Trade certification have to be exposed to radiation to kill any unwanted insects that may have tagged along for the trip. But since our dragon fruit is raised in Florida, there’s no need for radiation. This means our dragon fruit is fresher and less likely to become a Marvel supervillain.
Ok, but how do I eat it?
It seems like a pity to toss your pitaya in a blender like it’s some common counter banana. But the bright white, deep magenta, or velvety red hues make for an eye-catching and delightful smoothie bowl. If you’re a purist, you can cut your dragon fruit in half and scoop out the fruit with a spoon like you would a kiwi or an avocado. But scoop with care so you can use the outsides to make dragon fruit shrimp salad boats. Using the husk, rind, or shell of your favorite foods is a less wasteful way to make something easy look fancy – and hey, no dishes!
they bloom once a YEAR not once a month.
My neighbor grew this! It’s very cool! Tasty too!
very informative i am learning so much being with imperfect produce. you guys are teaching me so much about food even where to store it in the fridge to make my food and money go along way. THANK YOU
Dragon fruit is delicious and the yellow ones are sweeter with larger crunchy seeds. I like to refrigerate them and when sliced squeeze lime juice on them. It’s like a sorbet. Yummy and refreshing. We grow it in our backyard and I plane on expanding growing it. When the bloom faces up it usually fruits, when down it usually doesn’t produce fruit. Unknown why except it might be the way it pollinates. I sometimes take a brush and try to pollinate. Easy to grow.
We love dragon fruit so much! 😛
One if my favorite exotic fruits. Excited ro buy.
Yay! Lettuce know how you love it!